春节(Spring Festival),是中国民间最隆重最富有特色的传统节日之一。一般指除夕和正月初一,是一年的第一天,又叫农历年,俗称“过年”,从腊八或小年开始,到元宵节,都叫过年。
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Wednesday inscribed Spring Festival, social practices of the Chinese people in celebration of the traditional new year, on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The decision was made during the 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, taking place in Paraguay from Dec 2 to 7.
With this addition, China now has 44 cultural elements or practices recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
According to UNESCO's documentation, the traditional knowledge and customs associated with the Spring Festival are passed down informally within families and communities, as well as formally through the education system. Craftsmanship and artistic skills related to the festival are transmitted through apprenticeships, promoting family values, social cohesion, and peace, while providing a sense of cultural identity.
The committee also emphasized that the festival embodies the harmony between humans and nature and contributes to sustainable development in areas such as food security and education. It also plays a key role in raising environmental awareness.
China's vice minister of Culture and Tourism, Rao Quan, who led the Chinese delegation at the UNESCO session, expressed gratitude for the recognition. He stressed that the Spring Festival is China's most important traditional holiday, symbolizing the Chinese people's hopes for a better life, strong ties to family and country, and the values of harmony between humans and nature.
Rao further explained that the festival, passed down through generations, has provided lasting spiritual strength to the Chinese people. It has played a significant role in promoting family and social harmony, driving economic development, protecting the environment, and fostering global cultural exchange.
He added that the inclusion of the Spring Festival on the UNESCO list will help promote universal values of peace and harmony and highlight the important role of intangible cultural heritage in sustainable development.
本文摘录自China Daily
1. 我国申报的“春节——中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践”在几月几号列入了联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录?
A. 体现了人与自然和谐共生,在经济发展方面发挥重要作用
B. 体现了人与人和睦相处,在环境保护方面发挥重要作用
C. 体现了家国情怀,在社会和谐方面发挥重要作用
D. 以上都是