

Circumambulating in COVID-Times


 In 1965, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, and Philip Whalen, poets and students of Buddhism set out on a ritualized walking meditation, or circumambulation, of Mt. Tamalpais. Hiking clockwise as tradition dictated, they selected notable natural features along the way and assigned rituals to perform at each: Buddhist and Hindu chants, spells, sutras, and vows.

1965Gary SnyderAllen Ginsberg以及Philip Whalen,他们作为诗人和佛教学生,开始了一次仪式化的塔玛派斯山的行走冥想,或者说是环行。他们按照传统顺时针方向进行徒步旅行,选择了沿途最醒目的自然特征,并在每个地方展示指定仪式:佛教和印度教的圣歌、咒语、佛经和誓言。

 In an interview in 1992, Snyder encouraged subsequent circumambulators to be as creative as they liked, stopping at the points his trio had designated, or at others.


 Circumambulation, an intentional, ceremonial circling of a sacred object, is an ancient ritual with roots in many world cultures. But what does it mean in modern times?


 Snyder explained, “The main thing is to pay your regards, to play, to engage, to stop and pay attention. It’s just a way of stopping and looking — at yourself too.” In graduate school at UC Davis in the late 1990s, I studied poetry with Snyder. I learned from him the importance of noticing and naming where I am and what is around me, the concept of bioregionalism.


 Taking up Snyder’s circumambulation mantle in the 1990s, English professor and photographer David Robertson led students on excursions of Mt. Tam in the spirit of Snyder, Ginsberg, and Whalen. One chilly March day in 1998, my boyfriend — now husband — and I joined him for the circuitous 14-mile route up, and back down the mountain, stopping to chant the same Buddhist and Hindu spells, sutras, and vows at each of ten pilgrims’ stations that the trio had done in 1965. Robertson’s intent here was to get his UC Davis Wilderness Literature students out of the classroom and into the field. Since the course featured texts by Snyder, a trip to Mt. Tam seemed a good choice.


 Tagging along, I trekked through groves of coastal live oak, Douglas fir, Sequoiasempervirens, across grassy hillsides and amid fog scented with peppery California bay laurel. It took all day. And even though I was a strong and avid hiker, it was hard

 work. But it was worth every drop of sweat shed to be able to peek into history, retracing the steps and words of the original circumambulators. Still, I wondered: as a non-Buddhist, how did these incantations apply to me? Was it appropriative for us to invoke them? Was it enough that we wanted to learn about them and honor their traditions by performing them? When I asked Robertson, also non-Buddhist, he explained that circumambulating Mt. Tam was a way for him to create meaning for himself in relation to the natural world.



 Like Robertson and his students (and me), innumerable people have undertaken the “CircumTam,” as it’s fondly nicknamed, since the inaugural 1965 trek. It’s a compelling tradition, as Mt. Tam is a beloved mother mountain of the Bay, towering in the clouds above all along with Mt. Diablo and Mt. Umunhum, reminding us where and who we are, no matter where we may be.


 2020 was a difficult year for many reasons, including, of course, a global pandemic. In the year’s final days, my husband, our 17-year-old son, who loves to hike, and I had been cooped up at home for months. Over the summer, we had taken advantage of our unexpected time together, camping, hiking, and backpacking in California’s mountains. But winter found us housebound and feeling a bit trapped. Our annual pilgrimage to Joshua Tree National Park to stay with friends and “hike our guts out,” as I often put it, had been quashed by Northern California’s third lockdown. Like a caged coyote, I paced our little house in Davis, thinking I would lose my mind if I couldn’t do somethingto break up the tedium of sheltering in place in winter’s darkness.


 Cue the New Year’s Day CircumTam: with a day’ s notice and some adventurous pandemic podmates, we pulled together a trip for January 1, 2021, hoping to set the tone for a new year that we desperately wanted to be better than the previous one — for all of humanity.


 Podmates Paul and Jennie dubbed our trip a “Circum-bobulation” because of the improvisation necessary for COVID-era social distancing, the limited daylight hours in January, and impacted parking in 21st century San Francisco Bay Area.






Rock Springs附近,我们发现了一个用供品装饰的蛇形峭壁:一个由玫瑰花瓣、松枝、松果、柠檬和酸橙组成的圆圈。审视这个神龛,我们猜测这是一个渴望得到某样东西的人来到这里索要。这是人类需要与土地建立关系的更多证据。




午饭后,我们漫步在Rock Springs小道上,不知不觉我们走到了 Mountain Theatre。这间剧院是一个由民间保护组织在20世纪30年代建造的大型圆形剧场。就像变魔术一样,三个蓝草音乐人出现在我们下面的舞台上,调整他们的乐器并演奏歌曲。我们静静地坐着,享受着时隔一年的现场音乐演奏。我的手臂上不觉起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,这是一种命中注定的感觉——新的开始、希望和可能性——当我们足够幸运地感受到它时,它会在我们体内颤抖。我敢于再深入一点呼吸。



